Laceration Injury Lawyers

Injury Lawyers

Laceration Injury Lawyers

What to do After a Laceration Injury

After you’ve survived a serious accident, you may hear a lot of different medical terminology used by your medical providers, such as lacerations, tissue trauma, and penetrating wounds. You should always feel free to speak up and ask questions if you’re unsure about your diagnosis or the recommended treatment options.

You should also be sure to get a copy of your medical records and hospital bill for your laceration injury lawyers. They can help you secure maximum compensation for your losses.

Here at Rutter Mills, our personal injury lawyers are committed to resolving your legal matters. If you’ve been involved in an accident due to someone else’s negligent or reckless actions, you deserve just compensation for your losses, as well as your pain and suffering.

Common causes of laceration injuries

They can be caused by everyday activities, such as when a person slices their finger on the lid of a can of soup. They are also commonly caused by major accidents, including car and truck crashes. During the impact, components of a car can be knocked loose or broken. If it has sharp edges and strikes a person, it can easily cause a laceration. Similarly, objects within the vehicle that are not secured can be propelled through the air and have the same effect.

Workplace accidents are another possible cause of laceration wounds. Construction sites, manufacturing plants, and any setting that uses heavy machinery are particularly hazardous workplaces.

One of the first steps in determining liability for a laceration is to figure out what caused it. If you’re thinking about pursuing a claim with the help of Rutter Mills, you should plan to share your medical records with us. In addition, bring any evidence you have gathered, such as pictures of the scene and statements from eyewitnesses.

Laceration Injury Lawyers

After a serious accident, it can be difficult to think clearly. You can benefit from the experienced and skilled guidance of our staff at Rutter Mills. We’ll review your case and thoroughly address your concerns. We retain leading medical experts and investigators, who will consider every possible angle.

If you are asked to sign a waiver, settlement offer, or any other paperwork after an accident, it’s in your best interest to avoid doing so until you’ve had one of our lawyers review it. Insurance carriers will always extend the lowest possible offer to accident victims. However, you can trust our experienced counselors to play hardball at the negotiating table.

Settlements for Laceration Injuries

At Rutter Mills, our attorneys are skilled negotiators who often settle cases out of court. That means you will not need to testify about the accident. After a lawsuit is filed, the defendant may decide to extend a settlement offer to you to compensate you for your losses. If you decide to accept the settlement, you also agree to drop the lawsuit.

A fair settlement should adequately compensate you for your out of pocket medical expenses, including any ongoing and future care needs. It should also cover your lost wages and loss of future earning capacity, if applicable, as well as any other losses you have sustained.

However, it’s important to note that plaintiffs are not under any obligation to accept settlements. If you decide that the settlement is not sufficient and you would rather take your chances in court, your Rutter Mills lawyer will aggressively pursue litigation on your behalf.

Contact the Personal Injury Team at Rutter Mills

If you or a family member has suffered serious laceration injuries, you need a  personal injury law firm you can count on to protect your interests and safeguard your rights. Our legal team has been protecting the rights of Virginians for more than 50 years.

Our experienced personal injury lawyers understand what it takes to win tough, complicated cases. Our clients choose us because of our experience, successful track record, personalized attentiveness, and reputation for aggressive legal representation. Call today to request your free consultation.

Additional Resources on Laceration Injuries

  1. Healthline, Open Wound,
  2. American College of Surgeons, Lacerations & Abrasions,

Contact a Rutter Mills attorney to speak about your case today.

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