TDF Lawsuit

Dangerous Drugs

TDF Lawsuit

Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate Lawsuit Details

Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate (TDF) antiretroviral drugs first appeared on the market in 2001 under the brand name Viread. Later, the same manufacturer, Gilead, released Truvada (2004), Atripla (2006), Complera (2011), and Stribild (2012). These medicines to treat and prevent HIV infection promised patients longer, healthier lives but delivered increased risks of kidney failure and bone density loss.

All drugs come with some risk, but manufacturers are required by law to disclose these risks, so doctors can work with patients to monitor and reduce health hazards and select the best type of treatment based on family history and other risk factors. To make matters worse, evidence has been uncovered that Gilead suppressed the release of safer TAF drug alternatives as they waited for TDF drug patents to expire, so they could corner the market and reap huge profits.

Rutter Mills works with individuals who suffered adverse health effects and financial loss after taking TDF drugs as prescribed. A growing number of patients have opted to file a TDF lawsuit seeking compensation from Gilead for the unnecessary harm they have suffered. Suppose you have questions about your eligibility to file a Truvada lawsuit or litigation involving any other TDF-based drugs. In that case, it’s an excellent time for a free consultation.

What Side Effects Form the Basis of an HIV Drugs Lawsuit?

Side effects like headache, mild nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and dizziness are expected when starting a new HIV drug. However, these symptoms generally go away within a few weeks to a month and do not cause any lasting damage to the patient. Adverse events worthy of an HIV drugs lawsuit include:

  • Kidney injuries – TDF drug patients may suffer from Fanconi Syndrome (a rare kidney tube disorder that releases essential nutrients into the urine before they can be absorbed by the bloodstream, causing pain, weakness, and bone fracture), Acute Kidney Injury (a buildup of waste products in the blood), Acute Renal Failure (which requires emergency medical care), or Chronic Kidney Disease (a condition which requires dialysis or transplant to survive). These injuries can last a year or more, increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, and sometimes be fatal.
  • Bone injuries – Patients taking TDF drugs may also suffer Osteopenia (bone thinning, causing pain, loss of stature, and increased risk of fracture), Osteoporosis (bone loss – in this case, at a rate of 1-2% per year); and Bone Fractures (leading 1 in 2 women and 1 in 4 men to fracture a bone after a minor fall, cough, or sneeze). Most patients do not realize they have aged, weakened bones until they see the doctor for a sudden fracture.

Which Gilead HIV Drugs Are Involved in the Lawsuits?

ALL Gilead HIV drugs are involved in litigation. Call Rutter Mills if you believe you are eligible to file a:

  • Truvada lawsuit (tenofovir)
  • Atripla lawsuit (efavirenz/emtricitabine/tenofovir)
  • Viread lawsuit (tenofovir disoproxil fumarate)
  • Complera lawsuit (emtricitabine/rilpivirine/tenofovir)
  • Stribild lawsuit (elvitegravir/cobicistat/tenofovir/emtricitabine)

Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate is in a class of drugs known as the nucleotide analog reverse-transcriptase inhibitors (NtRI), which work by inhibiting viral reverse transcriptase – a vital enzyme in HIV replication. TDF is quickly absorbed by the gut within one to two hours and is ultimately excreted by the kidneys. As a result, these drugs must be administered in high doses to achieve maximum efficacy, which puts undue stress on the kidneys. Researchers propose that renal tubular damage with phosphate wasting is a critical factor in disrupting the absorption of vitamin D and calcium, which leads to bone loss.

Many of these drugs have warning labels and website information to reflect the risks, but that wasn’t always the case. When drug manufacturers like Gilead fail to warn doctors and their patients, they can be held liable for a patient’s medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and death benefits paid to grieving family members.

You May Be Eligible to File a TDF Drugs Lawsuit

With claims mounting, lawsuits against Gilead could be consolidated in Multi-District Litigation (MDL), which would streamline early discovery processes and set aside several benchmark trials before the same judge to identify strengths and weaknesses of the standard arguments against the drugmaker. However, unlike a class-action lawsuit, each claim in an MDL is handled individually based on its merits, with compensation determined on a case-by-case basis depending on individual degrees of loss and suffering.

Your first call is always free, and we work on a contingency basis with no upfront costs. You only pay us if and when we win a compensation on your behalf. Contact the dangerous drug lawsuit lawyers at Rutter Mills for more information.

Contact the attorney’s at Rutter Mills today to speak about your case.

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