Agent Orange Exposure Claim Lawyers


Agent Orange Exposure

Veterans Disability Lawyers

Military service members who served in Vietnam between January 9, 1962, and May 7, 1975, may qualify for VA disability benefits due to Agent Orange exposure. The use of this toxic blend of tactical herbicides has been linked to a wide range of cancers and severe illnesses. Contact Rutter Mills veterans disability lawyers for a free consultation to inquire how you can apply to have your medical expenses and lost wages fully covered.


Affected individuals exposed to agent orange may apply for VA disability benefits directly through the website.


Veterans can also apply over the phone with a VA representative.


A local or regional VA office can take your in person application. 

Vietnam Mem

Agent Orange Disability Eligibility Requirements

Agent Orange use is most commonly associated with Vietnam, but exposure may have occurred at a number of different testing or storage facilities around the world, including:

  • Thailand Military Bases (February 28, 1961 – May 7, 1975)
  • Vietnam (January 9, 1962 – May 7, 1975)
  • Korean Demilitarized Zone (September 1, 1967 – August 31, 1971)
  • Cambodia and waterways/coasts within 12 nautical miles of Vietnam (January 9, 1962 – May 7, 1975)

The Agent Orange Act of 1991 specifies veterans do not need to prove exposure in order to receive an Agent Orange Registry health exam, health care cost reimbursement, advanced treatment at the VA’s War Related Illness and Injury Study Center, and disability compensation. Instead, they must demonstrate:

  • Proof of active duty military status in one of the locations during one of the stated time periods.
  • A medical record showing the illness or presumptive disease is believed to be connected with Agent Orange.
  • For some illnesses, the date of discovery must be within a reasonable range of time from the end of service.
  • These same illnesses must render the afflicted at least 10% disabled.

Veterans who are having trouble getting copies of these records can contact Agent Orange lawyers for personal assistance in preparing their documentation and legal advocacy to overcome potential denials.

Dependants Can Also Receive Agent Orange Benefits

Agent Orange not only affects those who come directly in contact with the herbicide – but their children, too. Monthly monetary allowances, health care benefits, and up to 24 months of vocational training are available for children of veterans serving in Vietnam or Korea who suffer from spina bifida or another type of mental and/or physical birth defect.

Diseases Related to Agent Orange Exposure

  • Chronic B-cell leukemia (including hairy-cell leukemia and chronic lymphocytic leukemia)
  • Hodgkin’s disease
  • Multiple myeloma
  • Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  • Prostate cancer
  • Respiratory cancers (of the bronchus, larynx, lung, and trachea), and
  • Soft tissue sarcomas (other than osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, Kaposi’s sarcoma, mesothelioma)
  • AL amyloidosis
  • Chloracne and other acneiform diseases (*appears within one year)
  • Diabetes mellitus type 2
  • Ischemic heart disease
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Peripheral neuropathy, early-onset (*appears within 12 months and cured within two years)
  • Porphyria cutanea tarda (*appears within one year)

New diseases are continually added to the VA’s list. Veterans suffering from an unlisted illness may still file a claim for compensation after exposure to Agent Orange. In these cases, veterans should be prepared to submit published medical research indicating a potential association.

Filing a claim sooner rather than later is important to preserve an early effective date for benefits and receive a larger lump sum payment.

It is not uncommon for veterans to receive a denial on their first attempt to file a claim. Working with VA disability lawyers ensures a fair chance of recovering due compensation.

We’ll work with your care providers and find additional experts who may need to document secondary medical conditions related to your service.

A licensed attorney can NEVER charge you to file your initial VA Disability claim. If an attorney asks you to sign a contract regarding future payments or make a donation to file your initial claim, contact the Virginia Bar Association and the VA.


Next Steps

What Happens If the VA Denies You Benefits?

If the VA denies you benefits, it’s not the end of the road for your disability claim. Instead, you can appeal their decision. There is any number of reasons this can happen, but in general, it’s most likely because you were unable to convincingly show one of these three points:

  • You have a disabling condition (this can be done by getting an official diagnosis from a medical professional)
  • You suffered an injury or illness while serving in the U.S. military
  • There is a link between the event that affected you during your service and your current condition

When your claim is denied, the VA will send you a letter outlining why they decided to deny your claim. This is essential for figuring out how you can have a successful appeal. It won’t cost you anything to let our team review your case to determine the best course of action. A skilled VA disability lawyer can have a big impact on the outcome of your case.

Contact the Agent Orange legal team at Rutter Mills. We’re skilled at navigating the Veterans Administration waters and also work with PTSD clients, tinnitus, and so much more. Contact us today.


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Dave suffered serious injuries in a car accident. The defendant’s insurance company tried to offer him a low amount so Dave called Rutter Mills. We took over dealing with the insurance and got Dave the money he needed to get back on his feet.

They enabled me to be happy in life again.

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Glenn’s car accident changed his life, but not permanently thanks to the help of his Rutter Mills attorney. When the insurance companies wouldn’t help him, our team fought back and won.

I knew I needed Rutter Mills.

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On his way home from work at the shipyard, Dan was involved in an accident. He tried to file a claim on his own, but the insurance company wouldn’t give him the money he needed to put his life back on track. Dan knew he needed to call Rutter Mills.

They actually won my case 3 times!

Larena's Win

After her car accident, Larena asked her father, a local stevedore, for his advice on who to call. He recommended Rutter Mills. Her team of car accident experts at Rutter Mills fought back when the insurance companies tried to deny her the money she needed to recuperate from her injuries. We took her case to trial – and won. When the insurance company filed their appeals, we beat them again – two more times! Larena got the money she needed and the justice she deserved.

We’re going to immediately call Rutter Mills. That’s the people I trust with my baby girl.

Who Do You Trust With Your Family?

After a car accident, Jamaree’s first call was to her mom. She was shaken up and scared. Mom told her “We’re calling Rutter Mills. Her next was to Rutter Mills. Her Rutter Mills car accident team helped her get compensation “above & beyond” what she was expecting.

They lifted allot of stress off my shoulders. I recommend them to anybody because they WILL fight for you.

Who Can You Turn To?

Referrals From Friends and Family

After John was seriously injured in a motorcycle accident, he turned to the person he trusts most for a recommendation. His wife, a paralegal of 30 years, told him to call Rutter Mills on the advice of the lawyer she worked for.

They really care for you as a person. Words cannot describe what Rutter Mills did for me and for my case.

When You Need Someone In Your Corner

Don’t Go It Alone

When the insurance company tried to get Carol to sign paperwork after her car accident, she knew she needed a lawyer. Carol knew she needed Rutter Mills.

When I called Rutter Mills, I knew it was the right fit. They’re so interested in helping you get justice.

Getting The Justice You Deserve

When Mom Needs Strength

Taryn was in a car accident while she was pregnant. She knew she needed someone in her corner to protect her rights and her family’s future.

There’s attorneys, then there’s Rutter Mills.

We're Here When The Unexpected Happens


A devasting accident changed Levon’s life forever. The physical and emotional toll left him scared and in pain. When the insurance company for the defendant contacted the family, they made an offer that did not even cover the cost of the medication, much less doctors’ bills, and physical therapy. They knew they needed to talk to a serious lawyer. Rutter Mills took care of the negotiation so Levon could focus on healing.

When you’ve got a serious injury, you need a serious lawyer. That’s why we chose Rutter Mills.

Motorcycle Accidents Change Everything

When Ed was injured in a motorcycle crash, he knew he needed a serious lawyer to protect his rights. The insurance companies were fighting him every step of the way. Rutter Mills helped prove Ed’s case and get him the money he needed to get on the road to recovery.

With the seriousness of the accident, I knew that we needed a serious lawyer. I needed Rutter Mills.

Carol & Levon's Story

They knew they needed a serious lawyer when Carol and her son were seriously injured. After the other party’s insurance company tried to get her to settle for less than she needed, Carol called Rutter Mills for help. We took on the insurance company so she could focus on healing.

Watch his 30 second testimonial video
Watch Glenn's 30 second story
Watch Dan's 30 second video
Watch Larena's 30 second story
Watch Jamaree's 30 second video
Watch Levon's 30 second video
Watch Ed's 30 second story
Watch Carl's 30 second video

At Rutter Mills,
every case is a serious case-because it's your case.

Rutter Mills Law Firm

Personal Injury

We are here for you in your time of need, providing compassionate guidance and aggressive advocacy in a wide range of personal injury matters. Our top-rated attorneys will fight the insurance companies and get you back on your feet.

Personal Injury Lawyers
Personal Injury Lawyers

Car Accidents

We’re here to listen. A member of our team will meet with you, focusing on not only what happened, but also what you are going through and how it’s impacted your life. Then we’ll tell you what options are available to you to get on the road to recovery.

Car Accident Lawyers
Car Accident Lawyers

Maritime/Jones Act Law

Personal injuries that happen when you’re working – or playing – on the water aren’t governed by “the law of the land.” They are subject to maritime laws under the Jones Act– also known as admiralty law.

Maritime Lawyers

Motorcycle Accidents

We’re here to listen. A member of our team will meet with you, focusing on listening to not only what happened, but also what you are going through and how it’s impacted your life.

Motorcycle Accident Lawyers
Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

Truck Accidents

Truck accidents are often serious. We are here to listen to your story so we can guide you to healing. Our team has represented some of the largest truck accident cases in Virginia. Call us and see how we can help you today.

Truck Accident Lawyers
Truck Accident Lawyers

Workers Compensation

If you’ve been injured on the job, workers’ compensation insurance may entitle you to critical assistance like medical treatment, lost wages, and more. But insurance companies will put up an aggressive fight to resist paying you the compensation you need and deserve. Rutter Mills can help get you the money you deserve.

Workers Compensation Lawyers
Workers Comp Lawyer
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Real People. True Stories.

Contact an agent orange exposure attorney for expert legal guidance

A Rutter Mills case is a serious case. It may mean you have been badly injured. It certainly means you have a lot on the line, and the resolution of your case will make a big difference to you, your family, and your life moving forward.

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See what our clients say
 about Rutter Mills.

Ty F

I cannot express how diligent and thorough that the Rutter Mills family is. The amount of patience they had with my particular situation the simple factor that they understood the factor grieving time- There aren’t enough characters or stars allowed in this review to properly write how much I would recommend them if you are in need of their services.

Sara F.

Great law firm. Someone always available to answer questions. Happy with the service I received.

Melissa F.

The Rutter Mills team has been exceptional while dealing with our case! Kathy Saunders, Joseph Young and Andrew Boran have been a tremendous help and have been very communicative throughout this entire process. I couldn’t have asked for a better team to help represent our family! I would recommend them to anyone who needs their expertise! They make sure I don’t miss a beat when it comes to the case and I am very appreciative!

Sergio C

Adam Lotkin, my attorney, was straight forward and solid. He did what he said he would do. He kept reassuring me I was in good hands, and in the end, he proved, I was. When my case was finished, they treated me fairly and worked quickly to pay out my settlement. When going up against large insurance companies, Rutter Mills proved, your law firm does matter. Thank you all again, for taking a difficult time in my life and making it bearable.

Daniel M

Adam Lotkin, Max Baker, and the team behind them are amazing people. They did a great job with communicating and explaining each step of the process and they do the absolute best in ensuring their clients are taken care of. For my case in specific, we expected to wait 2 year to settle l, but through the team’s hard work and a little luck, it was settled in less than a year. I would not hesitate to come back to them if I ever needed to.


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Posted on October 10, 2024 by Meredith Lettiere